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4 Key Benefits of Installing Wall Laminates in Residential and Commercial Spaces

Saanvi Sahay

Wall laminates have emerged as a popular and trusted wall paneling solution. That’s because they offer several unique benefits that make them stand out from other wall paneling materials such as wood, glass, and PVC. Wall laminates, for instance, are more resistant to harsh climatic conditions as compared to wood panels. Also, wall laminates are far more economical as compared to most other wall paneling solutions. Continuing the discussion forward, here are some of the key benefits that make laminates one of the most preferred wall paneling solutions. 

Wall laminates boost a property’s aesthetic appeal

Unlike most wall paneling materials, wall laminates are available in a plethora of design and color options. In fact, some reputable wall laminate manufacturers even allow their customers to order customized wall laminates. This allows homeowners and designers to bring even the most unique design ideas to life. So whether you want to enhance your building’s curb appeal or want to redo your home’s interiors, you can choose from a wide range of exterior wall cladding panels and interior wall cladding panels.

Wall laminates offer protection to the underlying walls

As you know a building’s exterior walls are subject to harsh weather conditions such as heat, cold, rain, and dust. Installing highly durable exterior wall cladding panels helps protect exterior walls from any external element thereby increasing the overall life of the building. Similarly, a building’s interior walls are prone to damage due to moisture, scratches, stains, and abrasions. An interior wall cladding panel helps to protect the interior walls from all such elements.

Wall laminates are easy to install

Most surfacing solutions require leveling and other wall-preparation works prior to installation.  Paint, for instance, requires a lot of time, money and effort to be invested in the pre-installation process. A wall laminate does not require any such prep work. This makes them easy and effortless to install. In fact, one can easily install wall panel laminates on their own using hardware rivets. 

Wall laminates require minimal upkeep

One of the most important benefits of choosing a wall laminate over other surfacing solutions is that it’s relatively low maintenance. Unlike paint and wallpaper which require extensive care, wall laminates require minimal upkeep as they are scratch, stain, and abrasion resistant. All you need to do is to dust them regularly to maintain their sheen and appeal. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners to clean a wall laminate.   

Last Word

Besides the above-mentioned benefits, an added advantage of installing laminate wall panels is that they are highly cost-effective. They are an ideal wall surfacing solution for those looking for an affordable solution that stays in a good condition for years together and offers the same benefits as some of the most expensive wall surfacing solutions. But before you finalize buying a laminate wall panel, look for a trusted brand known for offering premium quality wall surfacing solutions that are designed to impress and built to last. 

Saanvi Sahay
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